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Country program action plan between Sudan and UNPF signed

02-22-2018, 01:46 AM
Sudan News Agency
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Country program action plan between Sudan and UNPF signed

    00:46 AM February, 21 2018

    Sudanese Online
    Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan
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    Khartoum, Feb. 21 (SUNA) - A country action plan program was signed on Wednesday at the premises of the Ministry of International Cooperation between the Government of the Sudan and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) for the period 2018-2021 with a total funding of $ 40 million in reproductive health, women empowerment projects, population and development. The program covers 10 states.
    The Minister of International Cooperation IDris Suleiman signed on behalf of the Government of Sudan, while the UNFPA Representative, Dr. Lina Musa, signed for the UNFPA.
    At the signing ceremony, the Minister of International Cooperation expressed Sudan's appreciation for the continuous support the UNFPA has been providing to the country in the development and other fields, which have a positive impact on supporting the health sector and women, describing the partnership with the Fund as fruitful and effective. He called on UNFPA to increase its support to Sudan, hoping provision of more support for the conduct of the general census, referring to the importance of statistics in planning for development.
    Lina stressed that the UNFPA would continue its efforts to support population issues as well as its efforts in the field of women and reproductive health, adding that the Fund is keen to cooperate with all government agencies, the private sector and academia to attract donors for expanding in the programs to realize the new development goals for the health and women issues.
    For her part, the State Minister for the International Cooperation Sumaya O'Kud said that the program would work to accomplish the national priorities, adding that the health sector will receive more than 70% of the resources directed to mothers to promote reproductive health, reduce maternal mortality and promote reproductive health services.
    The minister added that the program would provide support to the Sudan in the areas of gender promotion with the Ministry of Welfare and Social Security as well as the support of population issues and population policies. She revealed that the program would be supervised by the Ministry of International Cooperation in full coordination with UNFPA and technically it is to be supervised by the Ministry of Welfare and Social Security, represented by the National Population Fund.

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