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Statement from Darfur IDPs and Refugees

09-21-2017, 02:02 AM
SudaneseOnline Press Release
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Statement from Darfur IDPs and Refugees

    01:02 AM September, 21 2017

    Sudanese Online
    SudaneseOnline Press Release-Phoenix Arizona USA
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    The alleged visit of the indicted president of Sudan Al-Bashir to Darfur is coinciding with Sudan foreign minister, the Janjaweed-diplomat Ibrahim Ghandour visit to U.S to lobby President Trump administration for permanent lifting of economic sanctions against the genocide regime of Khartoum; and therefore we the IDPs and refugees of Darfur would likes to clarify the following points :-

    1- The ongoing genocide in Darfur and the massive human rights violations and killings by Khartoum was grossly neglected by the administration of U.S President Trump and oiling the way for permanently repealing of these sanctions through international media houses such as BBC.CNN and others to turn a blind eye to the ongoing genocide in Darfur and crimes in Sudan.
    2- However; imposing or lifting of sanctions will not weaken our iron will and determination to continue the struggle until the last man to bring speedy end to the murderous regime of Al-Bashir.and build the secular, liberal ,democratic and united Sudan with full citizenship rights.
    3- Today, 19th of September 2017, our people launched a peaceful demonstration in Kalma IDPs camp and in the other concentration camps that will continue for some days vehemently rejecting the visit of criminal Al-Bashir to Darfur especially the IDPs camp, which is a grave insult to survivors of genocide where he is suppose to be seen in Hague.
    4- The critical situation in Darfur requires international intervention for humanitarian purposes as Khartoum and its proxy Janjaweed and Rapid Support Forces(RSF) militias are accelerating the genocide to its last face, while Khartoum as well deny our people life-saving humanitarian assistance and medical treatment from infections of chemical weapons, cholera and other fatal diseases that kills us in thousands.
    5- Lastly; we call on U.S congress members, Human rights groups and activists to oppose the lifting of U.S sanctions on Sudan. We appeal to U.S administration to instead impose additional sanctions on Sudan regime and take perpetrators of genocide, war crimes and human rights violations to justice, instead of rewarding the criminals through lifting of sanctions.

    Yagoub Abdella ( Forre)
    The Chief Coordinator of Darfur IDPs and Refugees
    19th of September 2017

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