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News and Press ReleasesIslamic Bank funds outlaws integration projects
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Islamic Bank funds outlaws integration projects

06-09-2014, 10:10 AM
SudaneseOnline News
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Islamic Bank funds outlaws integration projects

    Khartoum-The Speaker of the Parliament Al-Fateh Izz-Eddin has stressed the necessity of raising the capital of the banks at the national level and the regional partnerships to increasing the ceilings of the banks and to enter in partnerships that allow the banks to achieve big returns and make influence in the economic map.

    He revealed engagement in open dialogue with the business men to make strategic partnerships with a big return.

    In press statements upon a meeting with the director of the Sudanese Islamic Bank on Sunday, the speaker of the parliament has said that the Sudanese economy is passing difficult situations, affirming that the steadfastness of the banks in the face of the storms that face the economy is proof of success and uniqueness of its leaders.

    He described the Sudanese crisis as economic not political or security, adding that the main issue is about economy.

    On his part, the director of the Sudanese Islamic Bank Abdalla Ahmed Ali has requested entry of money of some Funds in the banks, saying that the bank has 22 branches in Sudan.

    The director of the marketing in the bank has revealed a livestock breeding project with estimated return of 70 million dollar in 6 months, announcing the kick off of a program to give outlaws and armed gangs members means for production to build good societal relations.

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