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Statement by the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement- North, Pretoria S

12-07-2013, 00:46 AM
SudaneseOnline News

Statement by the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement- North, Pretoria S

    Statement by the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement- North, Pretoria SA
    6 December 2013

    Passing of Cde Nelson Mandela

    The SPLM-N expresses its great sadness at the death of one of the great anti-colonial leaders of the late twentieth century, comrade Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.

    The south African, and the continent has lost a colossus, an epitome of humility, equality, justice, peace and the hope of millions; here and abroad.

    Nelson Mandela, born in the village of Qunu, recognized the burden of colonial and racial oppression and exploitation. He then joined the African National Congress in 1942.
    In his lifetime of struggle through the African National Congress, He served with distinction. He was part of the ANC leadership collective and did not make decisions without first reflecting with his comrades. Yet he would fight for the principle of what was the right thing to do.
    Madiba was also a member of the South African Communist Party, where he served in the Central Committee.

    To the entire family of Mandela, we extend our heartfelt condolences. To the people of South Africa, may your hearts be not in distress. He lives in each and every one of you.

    With the death of Nelson Mandela humanity has lost a deeply humane and committed liberation leader. We salute him and all the great leaders and fighters who struggled, and those who are still struggling, for freedom and social liberation. The long walk to freedom still has many miles to go.
    Rest in peace, Comrade President, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.
    Amandla ngawethu
    All power to the people
    Regional office of SPLM-N,
    South Africa, Pretoria


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