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News and Press ReleasesMilitia reinforced, bombing in East Jebel Marra, North Darfur
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Militia reinforced, bombing in East Jebel Marra, North Darfur

12-22-2014, 03:44 PM
Radio Dabanga
<aRadio Dabanga
Registered: 03-30-2014
Total Posts: 1745

Militia reinforced, bombing in East Jebel Marra, North Darfur

    December 21 - 2014 EAST JEBEL MARRA / TAWILA

    The Sudanese air force resumed bombardments on areas north of East Jebel Marra on Saturday and today. On Saturday, militia reinforcements arrived at Wadi Marra, south of Tabit in Tawila locality. On the same day, a herder was detained by members of the Rapid Support Forces in Wadi Marra.

    On Saturday afternoon, an aircraft of the Sudanese air force dropped six bombs near the village of Dady, located in Tawila locality, North Darfur. “The blasts ignited several fires. A number of livestock were killed,” witnesses told Radio Dabanga from the area.

    They said that on Sunday morning, at about 6 am, bombing started again. “We saw smoke rising above the area north of Mashrou Abu Zeid, but we have not heard about casualties.”

    Rapid Support Forces

    One of the sources added that on Saturday, a herder was detained by militia members at the water reservoir of Wadi Marra, about 15 km south of Tabit, in Tawila locality.

    “Elements of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF, commanded by the security apparatus) detained Adam Yagoub Suleiman, when he was grazing his livestock near Wadi Marra. No one understands why he was held.”

    He explained that a SRF force of about 150 Land Cruisers arrived to Wadi Marra from Nyala, capital of South Darfur, on Saturday, “apparently to reinforce the troops who are already stationed in the area since last week”.

    The director of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), recently announced that the Sudanese army and SRF militias “are ready for the final showdown with rebels to end the insurgency once and for all”.   

    Map: East Jebel Marra and Tawila locality (UN OCHA)


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