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News and Press ReleasesSudanese opposition announces 4 conditions for accepting dialogue with regime
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Sudanese opposition announces 4 conditions for accepting dialogue with regime

10-08-2014, 06:47 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Sudanese opposition announces 4 conditions for accepting dialogue with regime

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    Chairman of the opposition Umma Party Al-Sdeq Al-Mahdi
    Chairman of the opposition Umma Party Al-Sdeq Al-Mahdi
    SudaneseOnline: سودانيزاونلاين

    Khartoum-The Sudanese opposition parties’ alliance has announced four conditions for accepting the dialogue called for by President Al-Bashir as part of his reform plan he released last Monday.

    Al-Bashir has earlier announced a four- point plan includes stopping of war, realizing peace, allowing political freedoms, combating poverty and reviving the Sudanese identity. The event was attended by Chairman of the opposition Umma Party Al-Sdeq Al-Mahdi, the Secretary General of the Popular Congress Party Dr. Hassan Al-Turabi, chairman of Al-Islah Al-An (The Reform Now) Dr. Ghazi Salah-eddin who split from the ruling party last October.
    Chairman of the General Authority of the opposition Alliance Farouq Abu-Issa told a press conference yesterday that they a meeting by the opposition parties alliance came out with determining four conditions to pave the way before dialogue as the most important means to overcome the national crisis.

    Abu-Issa said that there will be no room for dialogue if the regime did not cancel the laws that restrict freedoms, release the detainees, the condemned and the captives, investigate into the killings of last September uprising, stop war, commence unconditional talks to end the fighting with the armed movements, establish a fully transitional period that incarnates the national consensus as a step toward the political and constitutional reform.

    Abu-Issa accused foreign bodies he did not mention of preserving the continuity of the regime because it implements their interests.
    He described the President address as miserable in form and content, saying the speech insists on denying the crisis, its causes and means of the solution.

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