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News and Press ReleasesUN Secretary-General Visits South Sudan
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UN Secretary-General Visits South Sudan

05-06-2014, 04:37 PM
SudaneseOnline Press Release
<aSudaneseOnline Press Release
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 337

UN Secretary-General Visits South Sudan

    Juba, 6 May 2014 -- United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon arrived in Juba today for a one-day visit to South Sudan.

    Ever since the beginning of the current crisis, the Secretary-General has repeatedly called on the leaders to find a political solution and to put an immediate end to the violence which has led to the suffering of so many innocent civilians.

    The Secretary-General will meet with the President of the Republic of South Sudan, H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit.

    He will also visit, with his Special Representative and Head of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Ms. Hilde F. Johnson, the protection of civilians site in the UNMISS Tomping compound. He will meet with the community leaders representing the thousands of civilians who have sought shelter in the United Nations compound to hear of their concerns first hand.

    While in Juba, the Secretary-General will also have an opportunity to meet with civil society leaders, especially from women's and religious groups.

    The Secretary-General is also expected to meet with UN staff and peacekeepers. He will thank them for their dedication and service as they continue to help protect thousands of South Sudanese civilians who are at risk during the on-going crisis.

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