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    1.We the Political Parties, Movements, Organizations and Trade Unions, representing the people of the Sudan and reflecting their aspirations for justice, peace, democracy and equitable development; having concluded our Second General Congress in the City of Massawa, State of Eritrea, under the theme "Towards Ending the War and Building the New Sudan", hereby solemnly resolve to realize the objective of building the New Sudan, on the following basis and guidelines .
    Voluntary unity based on the free will of the Sudanese people and on the recognition of the religious, ethnic, political and cultural diversity of the Sudanese society.
    Prohibition of abuse of religion for political ends and of the formation of political parties on religious basis as stipulated in the Asmara Declaration.
    Good governance based on respect for human rights, separation of powers, rule of law, democracy, institutional accountability and an extensive measure of decentralization of power in a manner that ends the hegemony of the centre and the marginalization of the peripheries .
    Recognition of the equality of citizens regardless of religion, race and gender and adopting affirmative action to end the effects of marginalization and discrimination suffered by women throughout the past decades .
    Creation of a democratic environment for the healthy and free development and interaction of all the Sudanese cultures .
    Initiation of a balanced, integrated and sustainable development so that the vast and diverse resources of our country be exploited for the benefit and prosperity of all Sudanese people .
    Enabling the Sudan to play its proper role among nations in the quest for a better, just and peaceful world.
    2.The Congress resolved that the Leadership Council, on the basis of the above guidelines and relative NDA resolutions, shall finalize the New Sudan Charter and involve in its preparation, as much as possible, all shades of political opinions within the NDA forces and supporters.

    9 - 13 September, 2000
    Massawa, Eritrea
    1.In the city of Massawa, Eritrea, home of martyrs, struggle and liberty, the NDA convened its Second Congress between 8-13 September 2000 under the slogan: "Ending War and Building a New Sudan". The meeting was a milestone and represents a qualitative turn of events in the Sudanese national struggle towards a peaceful resolution of conflict and the preservation of the country's unity on voluntary basis.
    2.The Congress was attended by leaders of all component parties of the NDA as well as a wide array of combatants and concerned citizens from inside Sudan including a high-ranking delegation representing the NDA forces in Khartoum, as well as from other parts of the world.
    In its opening session, the Congress was addressed by Moulana Mohammed Osman Al-Mirghani, Chairman of the NDA, Dr. John Garang de Mabior, Chairman of the SPLM and of the NDA Unified Command (UMC), Sayed/Hag Nugdalla as representative of the NDA from Khartoum, Sayed Elamin Mohammed Saeed, the Secretary General of the Popular Front for Democracy and Justice in Eritrea. The Ambassadors of the Arab republic of Egypt and the Libyan Jamahiria attended the session.
    3.The Congress hailed the sacrifices of the Sudanese people over the past eleven years in their struggle to restore democracy and achieve a just peace, in particular the sacrifices of women and youth. A special tribute was paid to NDA martyrs headed by the late Lieutenant General Fathi Ahmed Ali, who made the ultimate sacrifice in the various fronts. The Congress also applauded the state and people of Eritrea for hosting the Congress and for their historic solidarity and brave stand with the people of Sudan. It also acclaimed the governments and people of the countries of the Joint Egyptians - Libyan Initiative, the countries of the IGAD and its partners and all people, governments and organizations who stood by the people of Sudan in their struggle for peace, democracy and justice. Equally, the Congress noted with appreciation the attainments of the NDA Leadership in the last five years and the wisdom that has characterized its performance in a manner that did not compromise our people's supreme interests.
    4.The Congress addressed a series of important issues with a view to reaching consensus on them and formulating a clear and common vision regarding the role and duties of the NDA, as well as enhancing its capacity to bring an end to war and rebuild the new Sudan. It was agreed that the current state of Sudan confirms day after day the need to reconceptualize the role of NDA. As a broad-based alliance embodying political forces from the North, South, East and West, the NDA is the only political umbrella organization that is capable of decisively bringing the civil war to an end; establishing permanent peace and rebuilding the nation and the state on new foundations that would consecrate voluntary unity, permanent peace and genuine democracy. For that end, the Congress determined that the NDA should translate itself into a viable organization not only to remove a totalitarian regime and establishing a democratic state in its place, but also to remain a beacon for, and political monitor of, Sudanese political life during the transitional period and beyond. In this respect, the Congress recommitted itself to all the NDA Charters and Resolutions particularly the resolutions of the Congress on Fundamental Issues (1995).
    5.The Congress conducted extensive discussions on four major issues, namely political questions, arrangements for the transitional period, NDA structures and humanitarian issues.
    5.1 On the political questions, the Congress reviewed the current political situation in the country and explored its future horizons. It also reviewed exhaustively the question of a peaceful political negotiated settlement. In this connection, it authorized the Leadership Council to pursue the steps that have been already agreed upon. It also affirmed that the NDA, by the nature of its composition and objectives, is the foremost advocate of peace and justice in Sudan. Accordingly, a comprehensive political settlement shall remain its preferred option for resolving Sudan's conflict. Regardless of the regime's devious maneuvers, the Congress, delegated the Leadership Council to pursue the search for a peaceful comprehensive settlement to the conflict including participation in preparatory and direct meetings with the regime in accordance with the guiding resolutions on this matter adopted by the Congress and the Leadership Council in the past. In the meantime, the Congress affirmed that the NDA should keep all its other options open, particularly the popular uprisal, armed struggle and regional and international diplomatic pressures on the regime.
    5.2 The Congress also affirmed its commitment to the Joint Egyptian-Libyan Initiative and to the importance of coordinating it with the IGAD Initiative. Equally, the Congress welcomed the Eritrean government's offer to intensify its efforts to enhance and facilitate the process of a comprehensive political negotiated settlement.
    6.On the Interim Arrangements, the Congress adopted the recommendations of the NDA Committee on Arrangements for the Interim Period, noting that this period should be viewed as a transition to a new state, institutions and policies that would lead to the final termination of conflict and consecration of the voluntary unity of Sudan. The Congress recommended that the Leadership Council should pursue its efforts to further develop the recommendations of the Committee and engage NDA grass-root organizations, Sudanese intellectuals and interest groups and specialists, in an in-depth discussion of the proposed plans and programmes with a view to promulgating, within six months, Sudan's interim constitution and devising action programmes for the Transitional Period.
    7.The Congress discussed the humanitarian situation in the liberated areas and the human sufferings to which the people of those areas are subjected. It expressed thanks to governments and organizations that came to their rescue and recommended special measures to the Leadership Council to enhance relief and capacity-building efforts in those areas.
    8. The Congress highly commended the struggle of the NDA forces in the South, Centre, East and South East and called upon all Sudanese political forces and individuals to redouble their efforts in support of the armed struggle. In the same vein, the Congress hailed the steadfast popular struggle inside Sudan within the limited margin of liberties which they have wrested, through their struggle, sacrifice and perseverance, from the grips of an oppressive and unscrupulous regime. Moreover, it acclaimed the popular protest led by women in Khartoum against the reprehensible measures taken by the governor of the state to deny them opportunity for earning their living; the bold demonstrations in Fasher led by teachers against the deteriorating living conditions and the steadfastness of people in the liberated areas of the East against all odds.
    9.The Congress expressed its solidarity with, and support to, the valiant struggle by women to restore their rights and put an end to the injustices they were subjected to for decades. In this connection, it recommended to the Leadership Council to facilitate the convocation of a National Women Congress to enable them articulate a common vision and agreed upon programmes that would enable the NDA map out a common Action Programme on Women. In addition, the Congress resolved that the Sudanese women be represented in the NDA Leadership Council by a person of their choice. It also welcomed the invitation by the SPLM to host that conference.
    10.The Congress critically reviewed the political and administrative structures of the NDA and resolved that a new Leadership Council be nominated. The Leadership Council shall appoint an executive organ with a Secretary or Coordinator General at its head. The new structure is meant to end the duality that marred the work of NDA organs and frustrated its work in the past. Lastly, the Congress renewed its confidence in its Chairman, Moulana Mohammed Osman al Mirghani, commended his wise leadership and re-elected him President of the NDA for the coming period. Also, after critically reviewing the past performance of the different NDA organs, the Congress adopted guidelines for the NDA's efforts in the fields of information, external relations, resource mobilization and communication and interaction with Sudanese in the Diaspora .
    11. The Congress, at the close of its meetings adopted the Massawa declaration encompassing high lights for a charter entitled Charter for the New Sudan with a view to taking the NDA to a higher threshold in its struggle to build a New Sudan. It called upon the Leadership Council to further articulate that document in consultation with all shades of opinion within the NDA before developing and develop it into a fully-fledged charter.

    Massawa, 13 September 2000

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