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Turkic Mongolian Babylonians Invented the Jews in 580 BC from Expelled Hyksos by Tarig Anter

05-20-2021, 02:15 AM
Tarig Anter
<aTarig Anter
Registered: 03-24-2015
Total Posts: 797

Turkic Mongolian Babylonians Invented the Jews in 580 BC from Expelled Hyksos by Tarig Anter

    02:15 AM May, 19 2021

    Sudanese Online
    Tarig Anter-الخرطوم-السودان
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    After the expulsion of the Hyksos from north Egypt, the Egyptians and Sumerians called their scattered formations Hebrews/Apiru (in western Syria, southern Ugarit and northern Arabia); Mitanni (in northern Ugarit) and Kassites (in southern Sumer). Later on, the scattered groups of the expelled Hyksos of Hebrews, Mitanni and Kassites called themselves Jews, Kurds and Babylonians after they defeated Egypt and Sumer in the Battle of Carchemish in about 605 BC. Here is how the Babylonians invented the Jews in 580 BC.

    The Neo-Assyrian Sumerian Empire (911 - 609 BC) was the legitimate heir of the Old Assyrian Sumerian Empire (c. 2025–1378 BC). After the expulsion of the Hyksos from northern Egypt in 1523 BC and during the Late Bronze Age Collapse of 1177 BC, Turkic Mongolian Akkadians allied with Amorites formed two colonies destroying the Old Assyrian Sumerian Empire and reducing Sumerian control to a small Middle Assyrian Empire (1365–934 BC). In 600 BC were no Jews or Judaism although Moses was alive in 1440 BC

    The Middle Assyrian Empire fought back and won in 911 BC under the leadership of King Ashur-Dan II (934–912 BC) and his son King Adad-nirari II (911–891 BC). Other kings followed his strategies and ideology were Tukulti-Ninurta II (891–884 BC), son of Adad-nirari II; Ashurnasripal II (883–859 BC), son of Tukulti-Ninurta II; and Shalmaneser III (859–824 BC), son of Ashurnasripal II. These great kings turned the small and humble Middle Assyrian Sumerian Empire into the Neo-Assyrian Sumerian Empire and restored the Sumerian glory.

    During the early Neo-Assyrian period, the Akkadian language continued to be a language in the Empire, but starting from the second half of the 8th century BC, due to territorial expansion, the infiltrating Amorites used the Aramaic language as an additional language in public life and gradually gaining importance.

    The newly created bilingualism of the late Neo-Assyrian period was a reflection of the increasing influence of the expelled Hyksos bandits (Turkic Mongolian Akkadians with Amorites nomads) within expanding borders of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. This situation and adding Ge’ez invented the Hebrew language

    The second half of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt, since the rule of Amenhotep III (1388–1351 BC) and his son Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten (1351–1334 BC), was totally opposite in politics to the patriotic first half of the 18th Dynasty that was established by Ahmose I and his family in 1549–1524 BC, who expelled the Hyksos.

    The second half of the 18th Dynasty allied Egypt with the expelled Hyksos and the Turkic Mongolian colonizers of Anatolia, the Hittite. This alliance between Amenhotep 3rd and 4th colonized and devastated the Ugarit. The two allies divided Ugarit between them; and since that time, Ugarit disappeared (The coast of Syria, Lebanon and the colony now occupied by Jews and Palestinians). At the same time, the expelled Hyksos bandit of Kassite and Mitanni colonized southern and northern Sumer; leaving only a small middle region for the Middle Assyrian Sumerian Empire.

    The armies of Egypt, led by Necho II, allied with the army of the Neo-Assyrian Sumerian Empire, led by Ashur-uballit II, fought and lost to the bandits of expelled Hyksos, i.e. Babylonians, Amorites allied with the Medes, Persians, Kurds, and Scythians, in the Battle of Carchemish in about 605 BC. The battle was shortly after the 26th Dynasty of Egypt (664 BC–525 BC) expelled the Kushite colonizers of Egypt (790 BC–656 BC) who were allies and mercenaries for the expelled Hyksos bandits both in North Africa and West Asia.

    The 26th Dynasty of Egypt was the last native dynasty to rule Egypt before the Persian conquest in 525 BC (although others followed). The dynasty's reign is the Saite Period after the city of Sais, where its kings had their capital. Turkic Mongolian Persian Achaemenids defeated the 30th Dynasty in 343 BC and that started 2295 years of various Turkic colonization of Egypt, which ended in 1952 AD. https://wp.me/p1OEJz-1Kqhttps://wp.me/p1OEJz-1Kq

    <14 century BC Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East.jpg>

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