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Letter to Us President Trump by Dr. Abdelhakim Maghribi

04-15-2020, 07:24 PM
عبد الحكيم المغربي
<aعبد الحكيم المغربي
Registered: 09-21-2015
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Letter to Us President Trump by Dr. Abdelhakim Maghribi

    07:24 PM April, 15 2020

    Sudanese Online
    عبد الحكيم المغربي-
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    I am addressing this address to the president of thelargest country in the world, which has a population of nearly 300 million Americans, which is called the great power with its economy and military power, but it is the one who exports to the world weapons and technology and the whole world works for a thousand accounts and is famous for being a country of freedoms and dreams for young people around the world, which made them gasp behind these false sayings and seek to migrate to it leaving their country, which made you so-called superpowers and you have already become great powers human beings with our young immigrants because the real superpowers are known to be the first known The divine powers are the "power of the Creator", which created us all and ordered us to cooperate on righteousness and piety, not cooperation on sin and aggression..

    When the world thought that you are the great powers and you forgot the real great powers and you all cooperated here i mean the Arab and Islamic world as well as the rest of the non-American world we cooperated together all without exception, unfortunately for sin and aggression, and we violated god's order of killing and slaughtering Muslims and innocentpeople and we fought Islam with all In the world, fighting everything that is Muslim was in the past a secret and now openly became a day without timidity, so God put his anger on all of us with a soldier of his soldiers and God soldiers in the land he knows only is a simple virus very small not seen with the naked eye, which is called in the language of human beings "Corona" .

    The Creator has ordered all of us to discipline all humanity on the planet without distinction, andthatthey all have no difference in front ofhim, whether there is no difference inthe way ofa minister or a president, بيas we have seenand watched the injury of German Chancellor Merkel. AlvearandS. Prince Charles and much more here and there without the slightest distinction between human beings in all their positions..

    God ordered him to deprive Muslims around the world when they were silent on injustice and aggression against innocent people, and when they saw Muslims around the world burn edited and slaughtered in cold blood, they did not move in cold blood, and they did not move, and they did not act as the grave people, deprived them all of the congregations and even from the pilgrimage and umrah, and from entering their houses, جميعall ofthem, the holy house, the occupied Jerusalem,اthe house of his Messenger, as well as the imprisonment of their homes in full force, as they did to innocent people in China, India,And rand, and other things. All of them and stop them from going out. .

    The study, work and traffic were suspended, ground and air traffic was banned in most countries and the movement of people in the streets and roads was stopped after they became frightened and frightened and the economies of the great and small countries collapsed alike due to injustice, tyranny, persecution of human beings, the manufacture and trade of weapons in order to kill them. God killed them the evil of murderers, the number of casualties rises daily with many deaths and injuries as we see and see all over the world without distinction and without stopping and will not stop unless we repent and return to God and cooperate together on righteousness and piety and comply with the orders of the great powers The truth is the gods, not the so-called human beings..

    President Trump should return to the truth and the religion of truth, which is "Islam"," because religion is in God's hands, Islam and no one else accepts to return to work with justice and leave the injustice of Islam and Muslims around the world, for example, what happened in Iraq, Syria and Palestine, for example, and what is happening so far around the world in India, " China, Rohingya Penamar and others, stop this injustice until the death and injury death rate, which increases day by day, will inevitably affect you and all those who help you and support you..

    God protect in yourself and in your people instead of dying fatis with the deadly coronavirus at any moment survive yourself and your family and say hello to God instead of ending your life as it is about to end and enter the fire of hell with your work and injustice to humanity for money and arms trade replace it with good work the rest of your life and can take your people for example and take your people and reward and change your disadvantages with god willing god and honor the United States of America and become islamic states unitedة for God spread peace and justice around the world..

    In addition to being a true role model for young people around the world to enter Islam and cooperate all on righteousness and piety and give up the positions and the damned chairs and worship God and build the earth instead of ruining it and throw Ingallah bleached the face to satisfy all of us and order his soldier "Corona" to disappear and leave humanity with this charity and bring us blessings from heaven.. "If the villagers believed and feared, we would bring them blessings from heaven.""
    This is advice to you and to every ruler and official around the world, pure to the face of God, and i personally wish to pick God, repent, repent to him, and wish him all in his heart to have mercy on us, accept us, not replace us, and lift us up with this epidemic and this scourge and enjoy us by entering his paradises paradises of bliss with his mercy hopefully I hope that this message will reach your hearts before your minds And we work with it to satisfy us the creator of this universe and enjoy his satisfaction and escape his indignation and anger and order his soldier to the earth to disappear forever without returning the whole falcon in his hand and the whole thing in his hand alone says to the thing only says to the thing " Be so" this is the solution will not benefit you human beings no matter how you meet the existence of medicine or cure and many Your customs and your promise, your knowledge and modern technologies will not lift this scourge and this epidemic "recruit God with the earth" only by returning to God and اللهم أمين . the religion of God right and ruling with justice and lifting the injustice from the oppressed.
    Dr. Abdelhakim Maghribi
    Political Advisor and Analyst

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