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For a pro life Sudanese TV by Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer

09-05-2013, 05:06 PM
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer

For a pro life Sudanese TV by Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer

    The aftermath of latest flood in Khartoum and the crying need for protection . photo by: Newstelive.net.
    In an issue of "Ahhir Lahza" Newspaper , Dr. ukel Elnour , a senior Sudanese forensic pathologist and the director of Khartoum morgue is reported as saying that 4 anonymous Sudanese in Khartoum during the recent floods that swept the city died of an electric shock. Such a transient incident has exposed the lack of citizen understanding to the rudiments of safety in handling an electric device and the absence of official precautions to stave off such a disaster and other ones. The Sudanese T.V action programme to fend off man-made and natural catastrophe is singing he said. Dr. Mohammad Abdullah Riaeh , writing to " El-intibaha" Newspaper confirmed this . He summed up during the recent deliberate black-out what ordinary Sudanese virtually wanted and needed " We don't make use of the potential of our audio and visual media in producing a general opinion that reduces life-risks " With the Sudanese T.V preoccupation with interviewing singers and beauticians who put their cosmetics , no attention is directed towards informing the general public of relevant safety rules . The tornado of singers and beauticians paralyzed on the Blue Nile channel programmes such as " Change your life" for fighting an obesity among the Sudanese and " With all affection and recognition " and this progarmme presented unsung stories of Sudanese challenging their physical handicap and poverty with a smile, trust and honorable struggle for a descent and happy life.
    Many recall with gratitude Sudan T.V Programmes in the era of white and black transmission like " Development and Economy" by Hassan Sad EL-din, " Legal problems" by the lawyer Kamal Shantair and " Your life" by Dr Abu Obeida Majzoub. They put a high premium on educating the masses of the people living in the country to cope with their predicaments .
    Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer

    (Edited by بكرى ابوبكر on 09-09-2013, 10:19 PM)


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