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Farewell to a man among men by Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer

08-30-2014, 04:03 PM
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
<aAbdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85

Farewell to a man among men by Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer

    Abdulaziz Ali Omer
    Muhammad Asad , an Austrain journalist who converted into Islam befriended King Abdulaziz the founder of Saudia Arabia Klingdom . He once wrote recalling how the king mourned the passing of his father . The News was brought to the king that his father died in Riyad.Despair engulfed his composed and serene features . He jumped with a terrible roar, my father is dead! And with a great stride , he went out of the room , his abaya trailing on the ground shouting my father is dead! , my father is dead!, my father is dead! . For two days, he refused to see any one and took niether food nor drink and spent day and night in prayer.
    I cannot imagine how my prevoius tutorial fellow , Dr. Manal, a young woman burdened with a sensitive soul not lesser in an emotional heft than that one of the king himslef . She tried in vain to catch up with the funeral rites. In his fields which he enjoyed, he aspired with tired eyes and luminous face to see her but he had nothing to say except my dear family, my great people, I love you. Goodbye. For my part, the continual rain in that evening meant being trapped into home and thinking of words to console his family . I found them in the poem of Sara Melaifi from Kuait: "'…A tear sun into my eye…Your description: the genes of pearls passed on to the vein of coral to impregnate the clouds with jewels of the human's heart. Oh, for the home made of earth, cottage of moral virtue and the memory of home beautified by the voice of loved ones and a bed of love and purity…"
    A side from being the then founder and president of Urban Farmers Union, Awad Muhammad Al-wakeil, the late respected and much loved father and husband emerged as the founder of the subsidiary rural farmers asscoiation at Al-fashaga . I was proud of him as a striving , pious and examplary father. He passed a way impercetibly as a springy breeze amidst the concerns of every day life. David Henry Thoreau once said heroes are often the most ordinary of men . Surely, he was one of those men David Henry referred to . It was accidental that he parted us as he left to over see his border side distant farm . He was in a renedzvous with fate after he lived a free and decent life.
    The tragedy of his death was an enormous shock to his family , friends and colleagues in the Executive Office of Gedaref State Farmers Union. They missed an exceptional humanbeing, a person on whose leadership and mentoring, they relied in arduous circumstances during the critical phase of May Regime in Sudan . In a short obituary published by Al-mustagila Newspaper, they enumerated his merits such as wisdom, generousity , social and political equilibrium and ebullient manners.
    I offer my hear-felt condolences to his son Adil, his wife, especially his daughters and all his relatives.
    May the mecy of Allah be upon him and rewards him bountesly in Eden."…It will be said to the pious believers of Islam "O" (you) the one in (complete) rest and satisfaction , come back to your lord, well-pleased(yourself) and pleasing (to him) enter you among my (honoured) slaves and enter you my paradise. ( Sura Alfajr-26-30)

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