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Articles and ViewsA postcard of recognition and health to Noor Gilani by Abdulaziz Ali Omer
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A postcard of recognition and health to Noor Gilani by Abdulaziz Ali Omer

11-09-2014, 05:19 PM
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
<aAbdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85

A postcard of recognition and health to Noor Gilani by Abdulaziz Ali Omer

    On the background of the singer Noor Gilani music and sentimental song many visitors from Sudanese offials and masses trickled into his house. The editor of Akhbar Alyoum made an appeal for help on his behalf to the presidency of republic drawing earlier an attention to his ordeal after several inauspicious healing trips. The first vice-preisent along with the federal minister arrived at his simple and lovely home to express their love and support for the singer with a failing health . He suffers from the paralysis of vocal cords as a consequence of a faulty surgery. The little consolatory celebration put a smile on the sad and tired face of Noor Gilani. He placed his hand on his chest to show his noticeably muted joy and gratitude.
    It is all our hope that Noor Gilani will sing for us again the song of the waking of a slumbering forgotten memory. We shall give free rein to our imagination with the return of his fine voice competence and strength. His doctor from the United Arab Emirates reassured his fans worrying about the fate of beautiful singer that after a month of treatment a broad,he will get better.
    I conclude with the comment of my former fellow teacher,Chris Mclvor who wrote :A bend in the Nile that is his memoirs of Sudan:"While corruption,greed,political ambitions and prejudice among political and religious leaders can begin to color an entire society,I believe that the innate characteristics of the Sudanese people will eventually shine through.

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