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Articles and Views10th, October, 1981- a sad and critical year for Egypt. Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
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10th, October, 1981- a sad and critical year for Egypt. Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer

07-15-2014, 11:47 AM
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
<aAbdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85

10th, October, 1981- a sad and critical year for Egypt. Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer

    The former president of Egypt, Anwar Sadat slept the sleep of the just in the Eastern deceptively calm morning of Cairo. It was 6th October when he woke up and received an official salute from two of his senior heroic officers: Muhammad Abdel Halim Abu Ghazala, the minister of his Defense and Hosni Mubarak his deputy. He mentioned to them that he would stage epic celebration on 25th, April, 1981.
    It is worth noting that25th, April, 1981 was the day on which had been due the return of Israeli-occupied Sinai Peninsula to the ownership of Egypt on the basis on an accord of peace for land. But, He didn't know what lay in store for him. It was a bright day with a sky as blue as the eyes of his sister Jihan Sadat .He headed to kiss her and then headed to lay a wreath of flowers on the grave of un-known soldier. After that he was escorted by Muhammad Abdel Halim Abu Ghaszal, the minister of his Defense and Hosni Mubarak his deputy to a site of military parade that commemorated October victory that didn't last long as result of his sudden assassination by Khalid Istambloi and his terrorist group during an a aviation display. Saif Omer is an Egyptian press attaché. I met him first in Tripoli where the waves of ocean hit deafeningly the boulders of Libyan shore. I met him again In Khartoum on Nile-side bench in a cafeteria over a drink. Taking a long contemplative sip of the drink, he related to me of what happened on the day of Sadat Assassination. The Egyptian people heard a sound of bullet as they watched the T.V show of October triumph ceremony. The T.V transmission was cut off and they sensed that something wrong was happening but hadn't been enlightened of details.
    Saif Omer shook his head, leaned back in his seat and relaxed before resuming his un-happy memories. It was then Saturday morning, 10th October, 1981, a mourning day in Cairo. The streets were silent and empty except for the deployed police. The stately funeral was attended by the previous American presidents including Ford, Nixon and Kissinger, the U.S Department Secretary. The Sudanese president Jaffar Nimerei was the only Arab leader among foreign dignitaries. The Sudanese delegation distinguished its self by wearing white turbans and black robes. The Sudanese president Nimerie stayed in for a while as an appreciation to Egypt's adversaries in order to track the situation and observe the special arrangements of Mubarak ascension to power as a successor to late president Sadat. The body of Mr. Sadat seemed to drip with blood and was borne on a stretcher into a waiting Helicopter that transferred to Hospital where medicine and prayers couldn't save the life of president. His vice-president Hosni Mubarak went to the hospital for the last look on the face president Sadat lying in an eternal peaceful repose.
    Hosni Mubarak declared a state of emergency during which he summoned his reverential council of ministers in the hope of securing the domestic front. Years latter, when the cannery birds sung, H.E Hosni Mubarak remembered the moment of Sadat departure. I saw nothing as if a black curtain blurred my vision. Innumerable things turned in my head and the most pressing was what happened. He said in an interview with May journal, 1981.He added something to the effect Jihan, the sister of late President Sadat asked him to deflect his attention to run the affairs of Egypt to save the country from falling into chaos.

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