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Sudan rebels say dozens killed, tank destroyed in Blue Nile

01-20-2014, 05:50 AM
بكرى ابوبكر
<aبكرى ابوبكر
Registered: 02-04-2002
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Sudan rebels say dozens killed, tank destroyed in Blue Nile

    January 19, 2014 07:37 PM
    Agence France Presse
    A member of South Sudan's former rebel army the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) walks with a rocket-propelled grenade launcher in the key north oil city of Bentiu after capturing it from rebels on January 12, 2014. (AFP PHOTO/SIMON MAINA)
    A member of South Sudan's former rebel army the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) walks with a rocket-propelled grenade launcher in the key north oil city of Bentiu after capturing it from rebels on January 12, 2014. (AFP PHOTO/SIMON MAINA)


    KHARTOUM: Rebels in Sudan'sandnbsp;Blue Nileandnbsp;state on Sunday claimed to have killed dozens of soldiers and disabled a tank during battle, but the military said it was the victor.

    Theandnbsp;Sudanandnbsp;People's Liberation Army-North said it "managed to destroy" a government convoy at Malkan on Friday.

    Insurgents seized two other tanks in good condition along with long-range artillery pieces and various weapons, a rebel statement said, disputing government claims to have occupied the Malkan area.

    Sudan Armed Forces spokesmanandnbsp;Sawarmi Khaled Saadandnbsp;toldandnbsp;AFPandnbsp;the battle in the southern Ingessana Hills had occurred 10 days ago, when Khartoum's forces defeated the rebels.

    Access to the war zone is restricted, making verification of claims difficult.

    Ethnic insurgents from the SPLA-N have been fighting since September 2011 in Blue Nile. A more intense war broke out earlier that year between the rebel group and government forces in Southandnbsp;Kordofanandnbsp;state.

    The unrest is fuelled by accusations of political and economic neglect.

    Defence Ministerandnbsp;Abdelrahim Mohammed Husseinandnbsp;said in November an operation had begun to crush the rebels.

    More than one million people have been severely affected or displaced by the fighting in South Kordofan and Blue Nile, theandnbsp;UNandnbsp;says.


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