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Sam City Nightmares...poetry

09-26-2015, 09:12 AM
adil amin
<aadil amin
Registered: 08-01-2002
Total Posts: 37389

Sam City Nightmares...poetry

    08:12 AM Sep, 26 2015
    Sudanese Online
    adil amin-
    My Library at SudaneseOnline

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    Sam City Nightmares
    Mr. Adil.A.A.Alamin

    before done and sun rise
    Mosques call foe prayers
    Frightened barking dogs
    Tear the silence
    All over the city of Sam and Sana'a
    Hissing of disgusting plane and roaring of missiles
    Of shameful Mission named" Firm Storm" and gale
    The gamblers of Satanic Rolliet
    play their games of love and hate
    The solemn doom and death
    take some and leave some
    Oh Allah the merciful and kind
    keep me alive to witness this Hell
    half of the story never been told
    To help Yemen to survive.
    A poet from Sudan lives in Yemen

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