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My Mom......A prize winning poem

07-22-2013, 10:27 PM
إبراهيم عبد العزيز عثمان
<aإبراهيم عبد العزيز عثمان
Registered: 07-06-2013
Total Posts: 175

My Mom......A prize winning poem

    In 1933, the great Sudanese poet Hamza Al Melik Tombol stood at the Nile beach in Argo, my home town, and wrote his masterpiece in Arabic(describing sunset in Argo) . In 2005, I stood in front of the remains of his house and I wrote this poetry(in English) to the memory of my mother. Fortunately, it is a prize winning poem with Qatar Education Ministry and was added to The English literature for the High School seniors!!

    My Mom

    Over the horizon into the west,
    the crimson sun sinks down.
    Trees invite birds to rest.
    Serenity looms over the Nile.
    Nature seduces a mind to test.

    The Adhan echoes, minarets shine.
    “Allah’s Way Is the Best.”
    The call awakens soul of mine,
    Glory and Greatness charm my chest
    Mercy, I quest, to all mankind

    Far, I gazed, into the West.
    Tempted I was to cross that line.
    Eager to shatter promises kept.
    Mom’s voice, “You are fine!
    Like a bird, take some rest!
    Patient be! Peace would shine.”

    I evoked the Prophet’s advice!
    How could I forget.... !!
    “Near her toes is my Paradise !”
    The whispers of the night quietly left
    when echoes of dawn brightly rise.
    Alone, I bide in the empty nest!

    Her angel face was weary and shy
    Eternal memories forever stay
    The river of tears raced dry
    Singing doves grieved all day!
    The mourning sun condoled the sky.

    Ibrahim A. Osman-Calgary-Canada

    (Edited by إبراهيم عبد العزيز عثمان on 08-02-2013, 01:15 AM)
    (Edited by إبراهيم عبد العزيز عثمان on 08-27-2013, 02:11 PM)


Arabic Forum

08-16-2013, 05:22 PM
جواهر ابراهيم
<aجواهر ابراهيم
Registered: 01-23-2013
Total Posts: 186

Re: My Mom......A prize winning poem (Re: إبراهيم عبد العزيز عثمان)

    Dear Mr. Ibrahim,
    You know, I was wondering around this website in the last few days trying to find some comfort in any
    written words -beside keeping myself busy- that can ease some of my emotional struggle after seeing
    tons of footage of suffering everywhere in Sudan…Finally, I came across this amazing piece of art that you wrote
    in memory of your mother… so beautiful and very touching poetry… and indeed, it deserves multiple winning prize
    not only the Qatar one..

    Thank you brother for this little therapy of the day :)


    (Edited by جواهر ابراهيم on 08-17-2013, 03:06 AM)


Arabic Forum

08-21-2013, 04:16 AM
إبراهيم عبد العزيز عثمان
<aإبراهيم عبد العزيز عثمان
Registered: 07-06-2013
Total Posts: 175

Re: My Mom......A prize winning poem (Re: جواهر ابراهيم)

    Dear Jawahir Ibrahim
    Thank you very much for your encouraging comment. However, I do apologize for the delayed response, as I had been to the States for the last five days. I just came back to home sweet home: Calgary, Canada to find your beautiful words awaiting my return. It is really fantastic to find somebody who appreciates what you write.
    Thank you again and please keep us posted by your wonderful input. I noticed your Juba Arabic wanasa but unfortunately I do not master it. Though, I spent two years teachng at Juba University where I met some nice colleaques.
    My best regards.

Arabic Forum

08-26-2013, 05:28 AM
جواهر ابراهيم
<aجواهر ابراهيم
Registered: 01-23-2013
Total Posts: 186

Re: My Mom......A prize winning poem (Re: إبراهيم عبد العزيز عثمان)

    Thanks Dear Ibrahim...nice to know you are in Canada and was teaching @ Juba University too..
    about my post of Arabic Juba you don't have to master it...just pass by any time and write "Salam Taky ya Jawahir" and the rest can be in English :)
    Ustaza Asha from facebook...salam kateer to you too my dear...you are missed here

Arabic Forum

08-26-2013, 02:33 PM
إبراهيم عبد العزيز عثمان
<aإبراهيم عبد العزيز عثمان
Registered: 07-06-2013
Total Posts: 175

Re: My Mom......A prize winning poem (Re: جواهر ابراهيم)

    Thanks Jawahir ..... for getting my attention to Ustaza Asha comments. I am sorry I missed it ...!

    My dearest regards to Ustaza Asha.....I wish she can join the slow caravan. Nice people like her are in great demand here to sweeten the pie! I am sure she will be a valuable addition to the English Forum!

    Warm greetings to both of you from the cold nights of the Rocky Mountains.

Arabic Forum

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