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Discussion Board in English How is Ramadan in your place of residence
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How is Ramadan in your place of residence

07-02-2015, 01:13 PM
مجاهد محمد الهادي
<aمجاهد محمد الهادي
Registered: 01-14-2013
Total Posts: 1665

How is Ramadan in your place of residence

    12:13 PM Jul, 02 2015
    Sudanese Online
    مجاهد محمد الهادي-
    My Library at SudaneseOnline

    First, Salam for all and Ramadan Kareem.

    Just an idea to know how you are doing with Ramadan in your place where you live..

    It's really so nice to fast here in Abha.. Saudi Arabia.. where I'm living since Apr./2012.

    Weather is cold and so fine.. place is green and very beautiful.

    Mojahid Elhadi

Arabic Forum

07-08-2015, 09:12 AM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: How is Ramadan in your place of residence (Re: مجاهد محمد الهادي)

    This question is probably directed to 'men only'?
    For wherever we, women, go Ramadan is mainly in the kitchen if not asleep.
    I noticed even when we spend a Ramadan away from home , it is what to take or where
    to get this or that or what is the best place to go to for breaking the fast...
    So, as a home bound person, I do not even know whether it is the hottest day today or the coolst.
    But I do have an amazing piece of information. 17 days of the 21 days we have been fasting our
    neighbourhood in Halfayat Al Mulook, Khartoum North has NO WATER!!!!
    Don't ask me how we manage. Looking forward to Laylat-al-Qadr.
    Ramadan Kareem
    And Eid Mubarak.

Arabic Forum

07-08-2015, 11:01 PM
Walid Safwat
<aWalid Safwat
Registered: 01-15-2003
Total Posts: 1227

Re: How is Ramadan in your place of residence (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)

    In Minnesota, USA we have very long fasting days.
    3am to 9pm that is 18 hours of fasting. Fortunately the weather is not very hot but that just makes the hunger pinch deeper.

    We are blessed to have huge gatherings all over the larger cities during Ramadan. The weekends also has plenty of activities that keep all members of the family excited and occupied.

    I miss Ramadan in Sudan but the no water and no electricity in the heat is not something to look forward to.
    May Allah help all those who endure the hardship of this time and may their prayers be rewarded with the relief they seek.

Arabic Forum

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