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Discussion Board in English How do I add a photo to my profile?
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How do I add a photo to my profile?

07-21-2014, 07:19 PM
Walid Safwat
<aWalid Safwat
Registered: 01-15-2003
Total Posts: 1227

How do I add a photo to my profile?

    I tried by all possible means known to me but everything leads to a dead link or a unauthorized pages.

    I already have the photo hosted in flickr so please spare me the flooding of hosting sites that are here today gone tomorrow.

Arabic Forum

07-21-2014, 08:33 PM
Hadeer Alzain
<aHadeer Alzain
Registered: 07-13-2008
Total Posts: 3530

Re: How do I add a photo to my profile? (Re: Walid Safwat)

    Salam Waleed,

    Yes, in fact adding a photo is not direct and easy as it was before...
    Alraess Bakri A. should facilitate that ... hmhmm!

    Anyway follow my own (long) way:
    Go to your profile, at Image, delete any http://.... etc... and save by clicking on: Change profile

    As if you want to add a reply to this post, go to: Reply icon : among others, you will find تحميل صورة

    قم بتحميل الصورة التي تريد من كمبيوترك . بعد التحميل ستجد خيارين

    Choose what you want, in your case choose the one for a profile.

    Go back to your profile. At Image, paste what you copied ...
    Click on Change profile.
    That is all ...!

    Hope I didnt complicate your life.. again ...!
    Good luck ..
    Best regards


    (Edited by Hadeer Alzain on 07-21-2014, 08:48 PM)


Arabic Forum

07-21-2014, 10:09 PM
Walid Safwat
<aWalid Safwat
Registered: 01-15-2003
Total Posts: 1227

Re: How do I add a photo to my profile? (Re: Hadeer Alzain)

    Quote: Second:
    As if you want to add a reply to this post, go to: Reply icon : among others, you will find تحميل صورة

    Thanks Hadeer for the message;

    I followed your advise but when I click on the تحميل صورة I get a server error message and the page is automatically forwarded to the homepage.
    I tried using Chrome browser then Mozilla Fire Fox. Same results all over. I walked out to the library and tried using Internet Explorer 8 to no success.

    I can now confidently rule the browser out and since I get a server err message I am leaning to accuse a glitch or a corrupt file in Bakri's setting.

    Back to square one.


Arabic Forum

07-22-2014, 08:56 AM
Hadeer Alzain
<aHadeer Alzain
Registered: 07-13-2008
Total Posts: 3530

Re: How do I add a photo to my profile? (Re: Walid Safwat)

    Dear Walid,

    My guess now is:
    Try to do that (again) from the Arabic Board....


Arabic Forum

07-22-2014, 05:27 PM
Walid Safwat
<aWalid Safwat
Registered: 01-15-2003
Total Posts: 1227

Re: How do I add a photo to my profile? (Re: Hadeer Alzain)

    Finally. It worked using the Arabic Forum.

    Thanks for all the private coaching.

Arabic Forum

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