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An Entity Unknown

11-20-2014, 00:57 AM
mustafa mudathir
<amustafa mudathir
Registered: 10-11-2002
Total Posts: 3553

An Entity Unknown

    An Entity Unknown
    Arabic Text By: Mohamed Hamed
    Translated By: Mustafa Mudathir

    There is a tiny mystery;
    an entity unknown
    that hymenates our souls
    for reasons undisclosed
    with a plasticine of thinness
    a sleazy film of boredom
    to blunt our insistence
    in dealing with existence.
    And verily those same songs,
    enchanted as they are
    that ornament affect, the deepest and inmost,
    are turned to mere phonations
    that tend to bore at most.

    The things you sought with passion
    are now dispelled around you
    devoid of early value, or heavily under-rationed.
    You like it, oh! no more,
    the stretching on your bed
    Nor do you like rising
    and nothing is surprising.

    Your cup of tea, whose edges
    are occupied with white,
    fitly tight but slight
    arrangements of foam
    in a faintly soaring vapor
    is sipped with only half the usual kind of fervor.

    With both your lungs employed
    you only get some faint amount of air.
    And every time you feel that
    filament on your soul,
    it gets the thicker and firmer.
    I know it is illusory.
    It surely doesn't exist.

    But can this ever resist
    the working of that
    tiny, unidentified being
    wrapping my soul
    in a filament, a flimsy membrane,
    once and again and again.


    (Edited by mustafa mudathir on 11-20-2014, 01:15 AM)


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