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Allegations of conspiracy against the state andpassing information to an American citizen

05-21-2015, 00:43 AM
نزار يوسف محمد
<aنزار يوسف محمد
Registered: 05-12-2011
Total Posts: 4744

Allegations of conspiracy against the state andpassing information to an American citizen

    00:43 AM May, 21 2015
    Sudanese Online
    نزار يوسف محمد-Oxford - UK
    My Library at SudaneseOnline

    Subject: Urgent appeal to save a Sudanese computer scientist.

    1- Mr Osman Eltayeb Elrayah Sirageldin 49 years of age married and has 5 children the eldest is 16 years old the youngest is 4.

    2- He graduated in 1989 with an honor Bsc degree in computer science from reputed school of maths university of Khartoum, he has high diplomas in database and advanced courses in system development. He is one of the known Oracle developer .

    On the 17th October 2014 Osman was arrested in Khartoum Airport on his way to Dubai where we belief he was a potential candidate for a remarkable position there. Following Osman’s interrogation which lasted a mere 10 minutes Osman was charged with passing information to an American citizen called John Fuhrer.
    Searching Osman’s luggage the authorities did not find any file belonging to the ministry of Foreign Affairs. Yet Osman is now under arrest for the past 4 months and 10 days without trial.
    Osman’s coming hearing is on Thursday 21st May 2015 in North Khartoum Court
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