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Water crisis in Sudan’s Red Sea state, new hemorrhagic fever cases

10-01-2014, 05:07 PM
Radio Dabanga
<aRadio Dabanga
Registered: 03-30-2014
Total Posts: 1745

Water crisis in Sudan’s Red Sea state, new hemorrhagic fever cases



    1 Oct

    .) -

    People living inandnbsp;the eastern Sudanese Red Sea state are complainingandnbsp;ofandnbsp;a shortageandnbsp;of drinking waterandnbsp;for nearlyandnbsp;nine months.

    “There is no indication that the water problem will be solved soon,” activistandnbsp;Aminandnbsp;Sinadaandnbsp;told Radio Dabanga from the Port Sudan, the capital of Red Sea state. “The crisis may become even worse, as the commercial water prices are increasing.”

    He accused state officialsandnbsp;of being behind the interruption of drinking water supplies to residential districts. “They are using the waterandnbsp;forandnbsp;their personal benefits.”andnbsp;

    Sinadaandnbsp;also reported that hemorrhagic fever has re-emerged in the state. “The health authorities, however, are attempting to cover up this repeated emergency. Hemorrhagic fever patients have been transferred to hospitals inandnbsp;Port Sudan, but the authoritiesandnbsp;ordered theandnbsp;medical staff not to provideandnbsp;any information on the cases to the press.”

    El Gedaref

    Mustafa El Sayedandnbsp;Khalil, the former Minister of Healthandnbsp;of El Gedaref stateandnbsp;has warnedandnbsp;for the consequences ofandnbsp;an increase of 10.6 percent of trachoma cases. He stressedandnbsp;to Radio Dabanga thatandnbsp;this rateandnbsp;calls forandnbsp;interventionandnbsp;byandnbsp;the standardsandnbsp;of the World Health Organisation.


    Member of Parliament Esam Maherandnbsp;reported that monthly 180 new cases of anandnbsp;epidemiological infectionandnbsp;ofandnbsp;Helicobacter pyloriandnbsp;appear in southern Khartoum’sandnbsp;densely populatedandnbsp;El Kalakla district. The bacteria is commonly transmitted by saliva, but can also beandnbsp;spreadandnbsp;by faecal contamination of food or water. It may lead to ulcers and stomach cancer, Maher warned.

    The MPandnbsp;attributed the spread of the bacteriaandnbsp;toandnbsp;the contamination ofandnbsp;waterandnbsp;andandnbsp;food in the district. He also reported thatandnbsp;ten health centres in Khartoum state had to close their doors because of electricity outages.


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