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News and Press ReleasesUrgent Call for Action for Darfur
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Urgent Call for Action for Darfur

03-27-2014, 07:14 PM
حركة التغيير الان
<aحركة التغيير الان
Registered: 03-08-2014
Total Posts: 24

Urgent Call for Action for Darfur

    Dear all
    The past few weeks have witnessed further atrocities in Darfur after more than ten years of continued conflict and abuses.
    From early February of this year and as a result of the institutionalisation of new militia groups (Hemiditi’s among others) incorporated as part of the formal security forces and named as Rapid Support Forces, the Sudanese Army's military operations (called the Hot Summer Operations) in Darfur witnessed severe crimes and violations against civilians. Last week alone over 30 villages were razed to the ground resulting in over 20 thousand internally displaced while the crimes of killing, rape and child abduction continue to take place.

    We are urging all pressure and advocacy groups, international and regional media, UN agencies and Sudanese diaspora to use every link and role they have to apply pressure on the Sudanese government to end these escalated and continued atrocities. We also call on all social media activists and citizen journalists to participate in spreading the word about what is happening Darfur by following and using the Hashtag #DarfurIsBurning ion Twitter, Facebook and all other platforms.

    With Best regards


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