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News and Press ReleasesUN: South Sudan refugees will pose additional burden on Khartoum
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UN: South Sudan refugees will pose additional burden on Khartoum

03-27-2014, 04:27 PM
SudaneseOnline News
<aSudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
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UN: South Sudan refugees will pose additional burden on Khartoum

    Khartoum-The United Nations has said that Sudan needs support estimated at 2 billion dollars to confront the humanitarian and development needs for the year 2014 comparing to 980 million dollars in the previous year.
    The coordinator of the humanitarian and development affairs in Sudan Ali Zatari has said on Wednesday that the crisis in South Sudan has made 60.000 citizens to flee their homes to the borders areas with Sudan, and that some of them have succeeded in crossing the borders into Sudan with some managed to arrive in Khartoum. He said that they are in need for all forms of humanitarian assistance, saying that welcoming them is not enough as the needs of these refugees are so many, adding that” the situation is tougher than what we imagine, and if the conflict increases in the South, the number will increase and become a burden on Sudan which is full of burdens”.
    He affirmed that there are 6 million Sudanese citizens who are in need to different forms of humanitarian assistance. 3.5 millions of them are in Darfur, 2 millions in the camps and 1.7 is being fed through the world food program
    He said that in 2013, over 300.000 persons were displaced by the battles and tribal disputes while 220.000 displaced persons fled from the disputes and conflicts in the first quarter of 2014.
    In the same context, he said in the media forum, organized by the British embassy in cooperation with Thomson Foundation, the British Council and the Press and Publication Council on the UN role in Sudan, that 2 million children in Sudan suffers from growth issues due to malnutrition.

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