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News and Press ReleasesUK pledges further support for humanitarian crisis in South Sudan
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UK pledges further support for humanitarian crisis in South Sudan

09-02-2014, 11:44 PM
SudaneseOnline Press Release
<aSudaneseOnline Press Release
Registered: 01-13-2014
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UK pledges further support for humanitarian crisis in South Sudan

    Press release

    Tuesday 2 September 2014
    UK pledges further support for humanitarian crisis in South Sudan
    Britain will provide further life-saving support for the hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan, International Development Minister Lynne Featherstone announced today during a visit to the country.

    Since fighting broke out in December 2013, 1.3 million South Sudanese have become internally displaced and more than 400,000 have fled to neighbouring countries. There is also an impending risk of famine.

    The Department for International Development will provide an additional £30 million package of assistance enabling organisations including UNICEF, the World Food Programme and UNHCR to help South Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia, Uganda, Sudan and Kenya. The funding will deliver food, shelter, basic toilet facilities, safe water, immunisation and essential supplies such as mosquito nets, kitchen sets and fuel.

    International Development Minister Lynne Featherstone said:

    “The people of South Sudan face a horrific humanitarian crisis which will only get worse with famine. The extra support from the UK Government will deliver supplies urgently needed by people who have been forced to leave their homes and move to neighbouring countries.

    “Ultimate responsibility for the humanitarian situation sits with South Sudan’s leaders. The Government and Opposition must act now to stop the fighting, start to build a lasting peace and make every effort to allow aid to reach the people who need it. Until then, the need for basic life-saving services remains crucial and we urge the international community to join us in stepping up support.”

    Many of the refugees who have fled South Sudan are children who have been separated from the rest of their families and women who have endured sexual violence. The support pledged today will also provide education and recreational supplies for children and protection services for women and children.

    The new funding brings the UK’s total support for people in South Sudan and refugees from the country since the start of the crisis to £125 million.

    The Department for International Development (DFID)
    We lead the UK government’s work to end extreme poverty. Find out more at http://http://www.gov.uk/dfidwww.gov.uk/dfid

    Contact our Press Office: 020 7023 0600 (Overseas +44 20 7023 0600)
    Get our latest press releases, free-to-use photos,videos and case studies at http://http://www.gov.uk/dfidwww.gov.uk/dfid. For breaking news, follow us on Twitter: @DFID_Press

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