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News and Press ReleasesSudanese general elections first phase starts next Tuesday
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Sudanese general elections first phase starts next Tuesday

10-26-2014, 11:51 AM
SudaneseOnline News
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Sudanese general elections first phase starts next Tuesday

    Khartoum-SudaneseOnline -Sudan’s National Elections Commission (NEC) disclosed that it will start the electoral register next Tuesday for two weeks as the first stages of the electoral process that will last until April 2015.
    The NEC member and responsible for the registration file, Al-Hadi Mohamed Ahmed, told The government-sponsored Sudan Media Center (SMC) website on Saturday that by opening the new electoral register that old one will be revised and the deceased and southern citizens who lost their citizenship after separation will be removed.
    Ahmed added that the second phase is opening registration for persons who were not eligible to vote in the previous elections and who reached the age of 18 years, adding that the centers that hosted the 2010 elections are the same ballot stations which will be opened for registrations centers, noting that his commission will provide the political parties with a copy of these centers.
    However, some opposing political parties announced that they will boycott the elections, calling for forming a transitional government to be tasked with writing the state's constitution and holding fair and transparent elections
    Opposition parties accuse Al-Bashir of continuing to jail dissidents, censoring the media and closing newspapers, making a mockery of his stated commitment to a national dialogue.
    The opposition also boycotted the last presidential election in April 2010, citing fraud. Presidential and parliamentary elections are scheduled to be held on April 2.

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