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Sudanese Army kills two people in an attacked on South Sudanese army p

09-09-2013, 05:21 PM
SudaneseOnline News

Sudanese Army kills two people in an attacked on South Sudanese army p

    Sudanese Army kills two people in an attacked on South Sudanese army position in the buffer zone

    Juba-South Sudanese army announced on Sunday that Sudanese Army killed two people when attacked one of it position close to the town of Jau, which lies in a buffer zone along the common border.
    the major general commanding a division of the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA), James Kong Chuol, said Sudanese army carried out the bombing with MiG-29 fighter jets and dropped two bombs on SPLA defensive position in Jau.
    "An SPLA soldier and his wife lost their lives. Six other people including a four-year-old girl were injured," Chuol told AFP on Sunday.
    Chuol said SPLA's foremost positions are now in South Jau. They pulled back 10 kilometres (6 miles) from earlier positions in North Jau to comply with a border security mechanism agreed on at peace talks in September 2012.
    "If they continue it is up to us to decide" whether to retaliate," he said, adding he had instructed his men to be on high alert.
    Jau, in Unity state's Pariang County, has been bombed by the SAF before, notably in February and July of this year.

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