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Sudan security confiscates copies of two newspapers

09-15-2014, 07:21 PM
Radio Dabanga
<aRadio Dabanga
Registered: 03-30-2014
Total Posts: 1745

Sudan security confiscates copies of two newspapers



    15 Sep

    .) -

    Agents of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) confiscated all copies ofandnbsp;El Yowm El Taliandnbsp;andandnbsp;El Akhbardaily newspapers from the printing presses in Khartoum on Sunday.

    “No reasons were given for the confiscation”, several journalists told Radio Dabanga from Khartoum.

    The action came within less than a week after the Second Vice-President, Hassabo Mohamed Abdel Rahman, had announced the suspension of pre-publication censorship.

    During the past eight months, the NISS confiscated Sudanese newspaper copies 47 times. andnbsp;

    The journalists confirmed that the NISS continues to enforce strict control over the Sudanese press. “Apart from confiscating newspaper copies and suspending newspapers, journalists are prevented from writing or criminally prosecuted. We are also forced to cover news items according to NISS editorial prescriptions. Certain items must be covered, others are prohibited.”

    Reporters Without Borders ranked Sudan 172th out of the 180 listed countries in its 2014 Press Freedom Index. andnbsp;

    File photo:andnbsp;Women in Khartoum holding banners saying “Release political detainees”, and “Freedom of expression is a right, not a gift” (Radio Dabanga)


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