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News and Press ReleasesSudan renews rejection to ICC measures
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Sudan renews rejection to ICC measures

06-18-2014, 08:32 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Sudan renews rejection to ICC measures

    Sudan repeated on Wednesday rejection to the International Criminal Court measures, denouncing the attempts by the Prosecutor of the court to describe the Rapid Support Forces, which belong to the National Security and Intelligence Service, as militias.

    Sudan affirmed that the Rapid Support Forces are regular forces.

    Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda presented the 9th report of the ICC Prosecutor General on Darfur crimes at the international Security Council, demanding decisive measures and innovative means to suspend the Sudanese officials accused of committing violations in Darfur.

    The representative of Sudan at the United Nations ambassador Hassan Hamid Ali said in a statement on Wednesday that Sudan is not concerned with the measures of this court as it is not a member just like many countries including countries with permanent membership to the Security Council.

    Hamid has referred to the African Union stances and resolutions on the International Criminal Court. He added” the AU has completely lost confidence in this court that became a political tool to target the African countries”.

    He pointed out that the report of the prosecutor general has completely ignored the positive developments that happened in Darfur since the start of the implementation of Doha Peace document.

    He cited that the report did not indicate to the legal measures by the Special Prosecutor for Darfur in the framework of Doha Peace agreement.

    Concerning what has been mentioned in the report of Fatou on the Rapid Support Forces, Hamid stated that these are regular forces and part of the armed forces’ formations.

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