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News and Press ReleasesSudan extends MoU of on humanitarian assistance to South Sudan
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Sudan extends MoU of on humanitarian assistance to South Sudan

01-05-2015, 03:58 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Sudan extends MoU of on humanitarian assistance to South Sudan

    Jan 06, 2015-Khartoum-SudaneseOnline-Sudan's humanitarian aid Commissioner ,Ahmed Adam, Ambassador of South Sudan to Khartoum, Mayen Dut Wol, and the United Nations World Food Programme Sudan Country Director, Adnan Khan announced in a joint statement on Monday extension of the memorandum of understanding on the Delivery of Life-saving Food Assistance through Sudan to South Sudan for a further period of six months.

    the United Nations and Sudan signed late June memorandum of understanding to permit the transit of aid by land, air and river transport, to South Sudan.
    The World Food Program (WFP) announced in June that the number of people in need of food in South Sudan has reached 3.7 million, and warned that the nascent State heading towards food disaster
    On 8th of November 2014 the first 18trucks, carrying some 700 metric tons of food for 45,000 people for one month left Kosti in Sudan for South Sudan. The movement of this first convoys widely welcomed, as it will contribute to ongoing efforts to alleviate the suffering of the conflict-affected populations in South Sudan.
    This is a major breakthrough, which exhibits a high degree of collaboration between the two governments and the support of the United Nations especially the World Food Programme which enabled the movement of this vital food assistance.
    The extension of the memorandum of understanding will enable the migration of humanitarian cargo efficiently and effectively to the needy in South Sudan.
    "At the request of the Government of South Sudan following the continuing humanitarian needs and the spirit of cooperation, Government of the Sudan agreed to this extension." The statement added

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