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News and Press ReleasesSudan arranges to set up the E-Gate in the near future
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Sudan arranges to set up the E-Gate in the near future

01-17-2015, 05:22 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Registered: 01-13-2014
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Sudan arranges to set up the E-Gate in the near future

    Khartoum-SudaneseOnline-Sudan’s Science and Communications Minister, Tahani Abdullah, stressed the continuous efforts to prepare plans for set up information industry in Sudan and realizing of the scientific basis on which development comprehensive and balance based on, disclosing that ongoing arrangements for launch of Sudanese E-Gate in the near future.
    She said that her ministry adopted package of policies to support the information industry and providing incentives to its customers with the support of the Presidency.

    She asked the presidency to provide resources for the it industry and use in the fields of higher education and medicine and Government, access to e-government project.
    The minster stressed on the importance of use of the available potential, represented in broad network of optical fiber for more than 20,000 kilometers which covers all provinces of the country, in dynamic applications and e-service to enable connectivity between all State institutions.
    She stressed the need for training cadres to enable them apply the different systems, pointing out that Sudan has potential and resources which attract national and international investment.
    "This will enable Sudan to keep abreast of developments in the use of information technology and communication and electronic management and increase the effectiveness of the national network, and executive leadership in e-Government"

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