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News and Press ReleasesSudan Signs US$ 1,395,000.0 Project for Creating Job Opportunities for Youth in Sudan
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Sudan Signs US$ 1,395,000.0 Project for Creating Job Opportunities for Youth in Sudan

02-25-2014, 03:48 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Sudan Signs US$ 1,395,000.0 Project for Creating Job Opportunities for Youth in Sudan

    Sudan Signs US$ 1,395,000.0 Project for Creating Job Opportunities for Youth in Sudan

    Khartoum, 20 February 2014 – Wednesday 19 February 2014, marked the first engagement between the Government of Sudan and the IBSA Fund for Poverty and Hunger Alleviation through the endorsement of an employment generation project, with resources provided by the IBSA fund amounting to USD $1,395,000.

    The IBSA group brings together India, Brazil and South Africa in a joint effort with UNDP to address youth unemployment in Sudan.

    The Federal Minister of Human Resources Development and Labor, Mrs. Ishraga Sayed Mahmoud, the State Minister of Finance and National Economy, Mr. Magdi Yassin, and the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative, Mr. Ali Al-Za’tari, signed the two-year project document ‘Creating Job Opportunities for Youth in Sudan through Labor Intensive Work Opportunities’. The Project is the first for IBSA in Sudan. The project aims to create rapid employment opportunities for 2,000 young Sudanese in the Khartoum state

    The signing ceremony was attended by H.E. MS. Amna Dhirar, State Minister of the Ministry of Human Resources Development and Labor; H.E. Mr. Taher Eidam, Undersecretary at the Ministry; H.E Antonio Carlos do Nascimento Pedro Ambassador of Brazil, H.E. Mr. Sanjay Kumar Verma Ambassador of India, H.E. Mr. Graham Maitland Ambassador of South Africa, Ms. Yvonne Helle, UNDP Country Director as well as senior representatives from the Ministry of Human Resources Development and Labor, Ministry of Finance and National Economy and the Khartoum State’s Ministry of Social Development.

    The focus areas of the development fund established by the IBSA group include health, education, sanitation, food security, agriculture and capacity building sectors. It is managed by the UN Office for South-South Cooperation, mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote South-South Cooperation globally.


    For further information, please contact: Mr. Ahmed Elhag, Head of the Poverty and MDGs unit.
    Email: [email protected]

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