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News and Press ReleasesSudan’s opposition leader detained transferred to the hospital
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Sudan’s opposition leader detained transferred to the hospital

12-26-2014, 06:43 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Sudan’s opposition leader detained transferred to the hospital

    December 26, 2014-Khartoum-SudaneseOnline-The head of opposition National Consensus Forces (NCF), Farouk Abu Issa, 18 years, has been transferred to the hospital after being held for more than two weeks, his daughter revealed on Tuesday
    His daughter Nahla told Reuters over the phone that this was the first time they see their father since his arrest and that they are worried about his health as he suffers from high blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems.
    Earlier this month, Sudan's National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) arrested Abu Issa, and head of the Alliance of the Sudanese Civil Society Organisations, Amin Maki Madani, besides former ruling National Congress Party (NCP) member, Farah Agar, and his office manager, Mohamed Eldoud after their return from Addis Ababa where they signed the "Sudan Call" accord with rebel groups.
    On 3 December, Sudanese political and armed opposition forces and civil society organizations signed in Addis Ababa the "Sudan Call" for the end of war, dismantlement of the one-party state, achievement of a comprehensive peace and democratic transition in the country.
    The Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir on Saturday accused signatories of the Sudan Call of being agents to foreign powers and warned them from returning to the country.

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