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News and Press ReleasesSudan’s army denies claims attacks by the rebel SPLM-N
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Sudan’s army denies claims attacks by the rebel SPLM-N

11-25-2014, 02:48 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Registered: 01-13-2014
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Sudan’s army denies claims attacks by the rebel SPLM-N

    Khartoum-SudaneseOnline- Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) has denied on Monday that Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-M) forces had attacked its positions in Blue Nile state.
    In statements, SPLM-N spokesperson, Arnu Ngutulu Lodi, said that their troops launched two attacks on the positions of Sudanese army in Blue Nile state on Sunday, stressing that the attacks came in response to SAF’s aerial bombing of the towns of Yabous and Shali in southern Blue Nile state.
    SAF spokesman, Al-Sawarmi Khaled Sa’ad, confirmed that the statements are completely baseless, explaining that his army attacked the rebel in Yabus city in Southern Blue Nile
    Lodi stressed they also attacked another garrison which lies 30 km south of the state capital Damazin, killing four soldiers, saying one of their soldiers was wounded in the attack and another is missing.
    The SPLM-N describes itself as "a Sudanese national movement that seeks to change the policies of the centre in Khartoum and to build a new centre for the benefit of all Sudanese people regardless of their religion, gender or ethnicity background".
    Since 2011 the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army - North (SPLM-N/SPLA-N) have fought the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and their aligned militia the Popular Defence Forces (PDF).
    The conflict began in South Kordofan State in June 2011 and in Blue Nile State in September the same year.

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