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News and Press ReleasesSudan’s Government vows to penalize promoters of rape cases in North Darfur
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Sudan’s Government vows to penalize promoters of rape cases in North Darfur

11-15-2014, 01:36 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Sudan’s Government vows to penalize promoters of rape cases in North Darfur

    Khartoum-SudaneseOnline-Sudan’s government has informed the joint African Union-United Nations peacekeeping force in Darfur (UNAMID) that it will take stern action against parties- it didn’t name- in the investigations approve their involvement in what published falsely about recent claims of mass rape of some (200) women in the village of Tabit in North Darfur by Sudanese military soldiers .
    At a press conference following summoning of the UNAMID acting head, Abiodun Bashua, by Sudan’s Foreign Ministry on Friday, the foreign ministry undersecretary, Abdallah al-Azraq, disclosed that the Attorney General for Darfur crimes has established a commission of inquiry into the rape case, pointing out that they're awaiting the results of the Attorney General’s investigation and his final report.
    al-Azraq accused United States and Western States within the United Nations (UN) of launching unfair campaigns against Sudan and publishing false reports about the incident, stressing that his government casting doubts on statements issued by the US administration on the incident because it is not a neutral party.
    He added that presence of Sudanese forces in Tabit village was to assist UNAMID troops to perform its duties in accordance with the procedures which have been agreed with the United Nations and the African Union, mocking at UNAMID talk that Sudanese forces prevented it from investigating the incident.
    The spokesperson of the US states department, Jen Psaki, said on Wednesday that US is deeply concerned by allegations of mass rape by Sudanese military forces in Tabit, North Darfur.
    She took note that the Sudanese government recently allowed access to UNAMID to investigate theses allegations, but regretted the fact that initial access was denied.
    “And after significant delays, access to potential witnesses and victims was only allowed under close observation of Sudanese security officials’, she said
    She added that such behavior calls into question Sudan’s compliance with the Security Council’s call to “remove all obstacles to UNAMID’s full and proper discharge of its mandate including securing freedom of movement in conflict affected areas.”

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