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News and Press ReleasesSudan's ruling party nominates Al- Bashir to new presidential term
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Sudan's ruling party nominates Al- Bashir to new presidential term

10-22-2014, 05:53 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Registered: 01-13-2014
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Sudan's ruling party nominates Al- Bashir to new presidential term

    Khartoum-Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) chose the current Omer Al-Bashir, who is under indictment by the International Criminal Court, to lead the party and as its candidate for next year's presidential elections.
    Al-Bashir had previously indicated he would not run for another term in elections scheduled for April 2015.
    The president won 265 votes out of 495 which represent 73% of the total percentage in a ballot carried out by Party’s Shura Council on Tuesday
    The Party’s deputy president Ibrahim Ghandur told reporters that Al-Bashir won the party leadership and got 266 votes out of 396’ adding that these votes are crucial issue and will be submitted to the NCP General Convention to to approved as a leader to the party and its candidate for the coming presidential term
    Sudan’s Information Minister Ahmed Bilal Osman said that choosing of Al- Bashir would make all parties feel at ease to participate in the national dialogue
    “Especially in this time when we are looking to a national dialogue and its initiative, which calls for all Sudanese to sit down at a round table to find a roadmap for solution of all our problems, and everybody is optimistic about that. So, I think for the outcome of this national dialogue, if he’s the president, everybody will feel satisfied that we will all be on one note,” he said.

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