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Serious dialogue to normalize relations with Washington: Sudan says

01-12-2015, 04:38 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Serious dialogue to normalize relations with Washington: Sudan says

    Jan 12, 2015-Khartoum-SudaneseOnline-Sudan’s Foreign Minister, Ali Karti, disclosed that they are conducting serious and objective dialogue with the United States to normalize relations between the two countries, adding that he has felt different seriousness and dialogue with the US Administration to normalize relations and lift sanctions on Sudan.
    Karti told Al-Shirouq T.V on Sunday that is good progress in course of relations between Khartoum and Washington, although the latter failed to abide by its promise of removing Sudan from the list of State sponsors of terrorism
    Sudan’s top diplomat pointed out that the serious dialogue with America is moving slowly and may not bear fruit quickly, describing Sudan’s relations with Arabic States as coherent and strong, and not exposed to any shocks or splits split into Arabic States, pointing out that the country’s relations African countries is experiencing great progress and in its best conditions, adding to the strength and excellence of Sudan's relations with China and Russia
    “Our relations with Europe in the normalization phase and we have opened door with Brazil” he added
    Sudan’s Foreign Minister defended Sudan’s government decision to expel tow UN officials for the country
    The US has included Sudan since 1993 on the list of states that sponsor terrorism and later imposed economic sanctions which Khartoum argues that it has affected vital sectors such as aviation and rail transport and incurring losses exceeding $40 billion.
    Washington calls for the resolution conflicts in the Blue Nile, South Kordofan and Darfur as a prerequisite for normalizing ties.

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