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News and Press ReleasesSPLM and Revolutionary Council agree to end war in Sudan
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SPLM and Revolutionary Council agree to end war in Sudan

07-12-2014, 01:20 AM
SudaneseOnline News
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SPLM and Revolutionary Council agree to end war in Sudan

    Khartoum-The SPLM and the Sudanese Revolutionary Council signed, on Thursday, a memorandum of understanding on ending wars and establishing the citizenship state in Sudan.
    The memorandum included an agreement on ending the totalitarian regime and replacing it with a democratic system, stopping divide and rule polices and using of Sudanese tribes one against another.
    It further included healing the social fabric and strengthening bonds of fraternity between the Sudanese people.
    It also included maintaining unity of people and land of Sudan on a new basis and establishing a balanced relation between the center and the regions.
    The agreement stressed necessity of continuity of the serious talks between the Revolutionary Council, the SPLM, the national consensus forces and other political powers to reach a national joint view toward the comprehensive and just peace and full democratization.

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