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Rally at front of the United Nations Darfur is burning

04-01-2014, 06:40 PM
رابطة دارفور بنيويورك
<aرابطة دارفور بنيويورك
Registered: 03-12-2014
Total Posts: 14

Rally at front of the United Nations Darfur is burning

    For immediate release
    Mohamed Ebaed: (718) 415-1970
    Motasim Adam : (347) 683-8017

    Darfur People's Association Of New York and Sudanesee Opposition Forces Allaince in the United States call for a rally on Monday 04/07/2014 2:00 PM at front of the United Nations, 47TH St and First Ave. (Dag Hammarskjold Plaza) to express thier deep concern about the recent surge of violence that has devastated the people life in Darfur, Sudan.
    Villages burning.jpg

    Since begining of March, Darfur has witnessed a new wave of bloody attacks and a complete destruction of human life by the Janjaweed militias "Rapid Support Forces (RSF)". Hundreds of people were killed, over 75 villages have been completely destroyed in South and North Darfur, and more than 100,000 people were displaced.

    the Rally demands that the UNSC:
    Press Sudan's regime and its sponsored militias to immediately cease the violent attacks and air bombing in Darfur and all Sudan.
    Press the Sudanese government to allow unhindered humanitarian access to the needy in Darfur.
    Take necessary measures to protect civilians in Darfur and mandate UNAMID force to swiftly intervene in situations where civilians are in imminent threat.
    Press the government of Sudan to immediately release the 110 students and the human rights defenders who remain in custody.

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