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News and Press ReleasesQatar Development donates $1.7 Million for Darfur Internal Dialogue Consultations
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Qatar Development donates $1.7 Million for Darfur Internal Dialogue Consultations

11-05-2014, 04:08 PM
SudaneseOnline News
<aSudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
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Qatar Development donates $1.7 Million for Darfur Internal Dialogue Consultations

    Khartoum, 04 November 2014. During the joint visit to Doha of African Union-United Nations Acting Joint Special Representative (JSR) and Joint Chief Mediator a.i. for Darfur, Mr. Abiodun Bashua and Ali Al-Za’tari, UN Resident Coordinator/ Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Sudan, the Qatar Development Fund (QVN) signed a USD 1.7 million grant agreement to finance the Darfur Internal Dialogue Consultations, led by the United Nations African Union Hybrid Mission in Darfur (UNAMID).

    The agreement was signed by HE Dr Ahmed bin Mohamed Al Muraikhi, QVN General Manager, and Mr. Ali Al Za’tari, UN RC/HC and UNDP Resident Representative in Sudan.

    “We are very grateful to the State of Qatar for its unwavering support to the efforts for peace and recovery in Darfur, where too many people have lost their lives and livelihoods”, said Ali Al-Za’tari. “It is our firm belief that investing in community dialogues in Darfur can help to break the cycle of violence and begin to sow the seeds of peace in this region of Sudan.”

    The proposed dialogue process is anchored in the Darfur Peace Agreement, signed in Doha in 2011, and will inform reconciliation and recovery efforts of the international community in Darfur.

    Today’s contribution from the Qatar Development Fund covers one quarter of the requirements for the comprehensive internal dialogue process. The total financing needs envisioned in the 18-month plan is USD 7.2 million.

    # # #

    For more information on United Nations Development Programmes in Darfur, please contact Mrs. Margunn Indreboe Alshaikh, Team Coordinator PACOM, mailto:[email protected]@undp.org
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