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News and Press ReleasesPress Releases from Girifna about from the African Union to meet with Thabo Mbeki
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Press Releases from Girifna about from the African Union to meet with Thabo Mbeki

05-18-2014, 07:02 PM
Registered: 03-12-2014
Total Posts: 8

Press Releases from Girifna about from the African Union to meet with Thabo Mbeki

    Khartoum-On Saturday the 17th of May 2014 Girifna received an invitation from the African Union to meet with Thabo Mbeki in a meeting that will be held in Khartoum next Sunday (May 18th 2014). The meeting will include a number of Sudanese Parties and Youth Movements to discuss the National Dialogue.

    Girifna wishes to clarify the following:
    Under no conditions will Girifna accept to participate in the national dialogue with the fascist and corrupt ruling regime or any related activities. Criminals are not to be negotiated with and our only option is to bring down the regime and to bring all those who committed crimes against our people to a fair and just trail.
    Our refusal to participate in Al-Bashir’s dialogue or any related activities comes from our core vision that it is not dialogue with criminals that can take our country to a better future. A criminal’s place is court rooms and not conference rooms; therefore no member of Girifna will participate in a dialogue with the fascist and corrupt ruling regime and this is the position we hope all opposition forces will adopt.
    To refuse any sort of dialogue with the fascist and corrupt regime is in line with Girifna’s principles and publicly stated position to "Rise Don’t Compromise".
    Our belief in transparency is an ethical imperative that obligates us to inform the public of this invitation. We confirm that Girifna addresses the public directly through our pamphlets, sit-ins … etc. We will not participate in any meetings behind closed doors with the African Union or any of the opposition forces that intensify the crisis in Sudan by participating in a dialogue with the fascist and corrupt ruling regime

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