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More than half a million people affected by flooding in Sudan

09-02-2013, 06:38 PM
SudaneseOnline News

More than half a million people affected by flooding in Sudan

    2013-08-29 18:15:00
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    Khartoum-United Nations disclosed on Tuesday that more than half a million people have been affected by the heavy rains and floods which swept most of Sudanese cities early August.

    The UN Office for Humanitarian Affairs in Khartoum, citing Government figures, said that about (574540) people were affected by the floods.

    The Office announced last week that the number of the flood victims reached (63) people, according to unofficial figures. While Sudan's government confirmed that about (50) people have died due to heavy rains and floods that hit large parts of the country.

    According to the UN Office the flooding this year is the worst in the capital, Khartoum, and the most damaging since more than 25 years.

    The floods have hit many parts of Sudan, such as the White Nile, Northern and the Blue Nile States.

    The UN Office considered from the 16th of this month Sudan as international emergency area, announcing that the country's malnutrition rate exceeded 15%.

    Office Manager, Mark Kates, told reporters that the latest survey indicated that malnutrition in Sudan reached 16% in eastern Sudan which it said went beyond that, pointing out that his organization and Sudan's government expect that (750,000) Sudanese will face acute malnutrition next year, noting that about five million do not receive access to basic services

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