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News and Press ReleasesICC to start trial of Banda on Friday
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ICC to start trial of Banda on Friday

07-17-2014, 00:08 AM
SudaneseOnline News
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ICC to start trial of Banda on Friday

    Khartoum-The International Criminal Court will start, on Friday, prosecution of Abdalla Banda who is accused of committing war crimes against the African peacekeeping mission in Darfur 7 years ago.

    Banda, who split from the Justice and Equality Movement, faces three counts pertinent with violence, deliberate attack against staff and facilities of peacekeeping mission after assaulting the UNMIS base in Haskanita in north Darfur in September 2007. 12 soldiers were killed and other 8 were injured in the attack

    The trial was supposed to take place in May 5, but the court decided the start of the prosecution due to logistical reasons.

    It is to be recalled that Banda and Saleh Mohamed Jarabu handed over themselves in 2010 but the court released them after their commitment to appear before court at the beginning of prosecution.

    Jarabu was killed last year during engagement with Justice and Equality Movement forces- Khalil Ibrahim faction in north Darfur. The court said it has received evidence suggesting his death.

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