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News and Press ReleasesHeavy rains destroy homes of Darfur refugees in CAR
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Heavy rains destroy homes of Darfur refugees in CAR

04-09-2014, 06:31 PM
Radio Dabanga
<aRadio Dabanga
Registered: 03-30-2014
Total Posts: 1745

Heavy rains destroy homes of Darfur refugees in CAR



    9 Apr

    .) -

    Torrential rain falls in the area of the Bembere refugee camp in the Central African Republic have severely damaged 395 homes.

    “The extremely heavy rains continued for three consecutive days, from Saturday to Monday,” Abdel Rahman Ismail, the head of the Bembere camp reported to Radio Dabanga. “About 45 shelters were entirely destroyed, and 350 partially.”

    The camp houses about 2,200 Darfuri refugees. Ismail added that they all are living in dire humanitarian and health conditions, “especially the children, women and the elderly”. The families affected by the rainsandnbsp;are currently living in the open, without water, food, cover and medicines.

    “The Governor of Bembere locality and a number of organisations have visited the camp on Monday. However, they did not provide the affected people with any assistance.”

    The camp head urged relief organisations to speed up the provision of aid.

    File photo: Damaged shelters by rains in a Sudanese camp, October 2013 (OCHA)


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