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News and Press ReleasesGovernment and SPLM delegations submit dispute to mediation
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Government and SPLM delegations submit dispute to mediation

04-26-2014, 05:04 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Government and SPLM delegations submit dispute to mediation

    Khartoum-The delegations of the Sudanese government and the SPLM have shown adherence to their negotiation stances, however, they agreed to refer the issue to the chairman of the African high-level mechanism Thabo Mbeki so that he is able to put the talks on the right track.

    The Secretary General of the SPLM in Sudan Yassir Arman said in press statements after three sessions of the direct talks with the government delegation that the two parties are distant.

    Arman said his movement is adherent to conduct of the correct measures for confidence building, clear roadmap and comprehensive cessation of war, saying that his movement is ready to do its best to make the negotiation successful.

    He said that his delegation put forward the security arrangements issue, saying that they agree on the presence of the Sudanese army, but he said that this consent is conditional on effective and structural reform in the military institution, police and security.

    He said that the institutions are controlled by the National Congress, describing it as the biggest party that owns arms in Sudan.

    He said that the issues of the two areas are connected with the wrong policies in Khartoum, saying that the real problem of the two areas lies in the Khartoum policies.

    He said that both parties agreed to submit the issue to the African high-level mechanism led by Thabo Mbeki, saying that we hope Mbeki would be able to put the negotiations on the right track.

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