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News and Press ReleasesEuropean Union opens Press Photography Exhibition at Rashid Diab Arts Centr
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European Union opens Press Photography Exhibition at Rashid Diab Arts Centr

05-03-2015, 04:27 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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European Union opens Press Photography Exhibition at Rashid Diab Arts Centr

    04:27 PM May, 03 2015
    Sudanese Online
    SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan
    My Library at SudaneseOnline

    To celebrate the World Press Freedom Day, the European Delegation inaugurated a photography exhibition at Rashid Diab Arts Centre on Sunday night.

    At the opening reception, attended by guests from the media and civil society , the European Ambassador Tomas Ulicny praised the exhibition as an important way to promote the craft of photography in Sudanese media. "Every picture tells a story that helps us understand Sudan a little bit better", he said. The Ambassador added that skilled photo journalists have the means to promote a higher respect for press freedoms in the Sudan. Twenty-four years ago on 3 May, UNESCO adopted the Windhoek, Namibia Declaration to promote independent and pluralist African media. Since then, 3 May is traditionally the day when the issue of press freedoms is discussed all over the world.

    Everyone interested in photography and media culture can visit the exhibition. Thirteen experienced photographers exhibit their works until the 17 May. The Rashid Diab Centre will continue to bring Sudanese together to enrich Sudan's cultural landscape. The center is opened Sunday to Thursday from 9AM to 5PM and entrance is free.

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