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News and Press ReleasesEgyptian troops arrest (4) Sudanese gold miners within Sudanese territory
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Egyptian troops arrest (4) Sudanese gold miners within Sudanese territory

12-16-2014, 05:31 PM
SudaneseOnline News
<aSudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
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Egyptian troops arrest (4) Sudanese gold miners within Sudanese territory

    December 16, 2014-Khartoum-SudaneseOnline-Egyptian authorities detained (4) Sudanese gold miners last week accused them of mining gold in the Egyptian territories and have seized a car and gold detector
    Sources told the state-run Sudanese Media Center (SMC) on Monday that (2) of the detainees are car mechanics and they have nothing to do with the illegal mining for gold and that they had been arrested inside Sudanese territory by Egyptian troops which were chasing a vehicle carrying illegal immigrants.
    Gold exploration has created numerous problems in different areas of Sudan. The most famous amongst them was the tribal clashes which erupted in Jebel Amer area in North Darfur state which led to the death of 200 people.
    The Sudanese army and police also complain about desertion among their soldiers who travel to search for gold in remote areas.
    Last March, the government announced that gold production in 2014 would reach 70 tones compared to 34 tones in 2013 following development of the traditional mechanisms of exploration.
    According to the ministry of mining, traditional mining represents 90% of gold production in Sudan.
    The ministry said it plans to legalize and regulate the informal mining sector through the 2014 mineral wealth code which will be approved by the concerned bodies.
    The East African country is looking for gold to make up for the budget deficit it incurred as a result of losing three quarters of its oil production due to the secession of South Sudan in July 2011.
    In recent years a growing number of foreign gold companies have expressed interest in obtaining licences to operate in Sudan.

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