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News and Press ReleasesEU Ambassador: ‘Press freedom in Sudan will enhance its image globally’
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EU Ambassador: ‘Press freedom in Sudan will enhance its image globally’

05-06-2014, 05:46 PM
Radio Dabanga
<aRadio Dabanga
Registered: 03-30-2014
Total Posts: 1745

EU Ambassador: ‘Press freedom in Sudan will enhance its image globally’



    6 May

    .) -

    On the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, Ambassador Tomas Ulicny, Head of the Delegation of the European Union hosted a working lunch for a group of local and international journalists, chief editors and youth journalists, at the premises of the European Union Delegation in Khartoum on Saturday.andnbsp;

    During the meeting, the journalists discussed with the EU diplomat their views about the political and economic developments in Sudan. The Ambassador listened carefully to the journalists’ evaluation to the challenges they are facing, and the changes in the area of journalism in Sudan, according to a press release by the EU Delegation in Sudan, issued on Monday.

    Ambassador Ulicny informed the journalists about the role of the EU in the areas of peace, development and humanitarian aid in Sudan. He said that the EU expects the process of the national dialogue will open space for more press freedoms and freedom of expression in Sudan.andnbsp;

    He added that the strengthening of free press in Sudan can contribute to peace and democratic transformation, as well as improve the image of Sudan internationally especially in the area of human rights.andnbsp;

    The Ambassador Ulicny called for the extension of protection to all the journalists including the bloggers and photo journalists in Sudan.andnbsp;He urged the Sudanese government to increase and improve access to the international correspondents in Sudan to enable them to bring Sudan to the global attention.

    Photo: Ambassador Tomas Ulicny and local and international journalists gathered at the premises of the EU Delegation in Khartoum on Saturday. (EU Delegation in Sudan)


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