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News and Press ReleasesEU: deeply concerned about the ongoing detention and condition of opposition party members
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EU: deeply concerned about the ongoing detention and condition of opposition party members

07-09-2014, 04:56 PM
سيف اليزل سعد عمر
<aسيف اليزل سعد عمر
Registered: 01-11-2013
Total Posts: 9476

EU: deeply concerned about the ongoing detention and condition of opposition party members

    The Delegation of the European Union and the Embassies of its Member States in Sudan, as well as the Embassy of Norway issue the following statement: "The EU ######### of Mission and the Ambassador of Norway in Khartoum are deeply concerned about the ongoing detention and condition of opposition party members, youth activists, human rights defenders and journalists in Sudan. We strongly urge the Government of Sudan to guarantee the peaceful exercise of the freedoms of expression, association and assembly. We are closely following the situation, and in particular the cases of: - Ibrahim Al-Sheikh, leader of the Sudanese Congress Party, detained since 8 June 2014 in Al-Nuhud prison in West Kordofan and awaiting prosecution under Articles 50, 62, 63, 159 of the criminal law; - Marwan Arjaa and other students, journalists and members of the Sudanese Congress Party detained in the last couple of weeks and currently held without charge in the Al-Obeid prison in North Kordofan and Al-Foula prison in South Kordofan; - Tajelsir Jaafar, Mohamed Saleh and Moamar Musa Mohamed arrested near the University of Khartoum on 12 May 2014 and currently held without charge in the NISS premises in Khartoum, alongside other youth activists. We urge the authorities to either initiate legal procedures without delay or release the detained immediately. We have further received reports that some of the political activists have been subjected to ill-treatment and torture and call on the Government to ensure their physical and mental integrity and to respect the human rights of detainees in Sudanese prisons and detention facilities. Violations should be investigated and the responsible institutions and persons held to account. The EU ######### of Mission and the Ambassador of Norway in Khartoum are also concerned about continued obstacles to the activities of civil society and non-profit organisations, including the recent closure of Salmmah Women's Resource Centre. We regret the increasingly shrinking space for rights-based organisations, in particular those promoting women's rights and youth empowerment. We expect the authorities to ensure that civil society organisations can operate freely, contribute to the development of Sudan and participate actively in the national dialogue announced by President Bashir." Khartoum, 9th July 2014

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