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News and Press ReleasesChairman of Darfur Regional Authority confirms US participation in the donors’ conference in Doha
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Chairman of Darfur Regional Authority confirms US participation in the donors’ conference in Doha

10-08-2014, 08:08 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Chairman of Darfur Regional Authority confirms US participation in the donors’ conference in Doha

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    Tijani Sissi
    Tijani Sissi
    SudaneseOnline: سودانيزاونلاين

    Khartoum-Chairman of Darfur Regional Authority (DRA) and head of the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM),Tijani Sissi, described the security tensions in the region as aimed at targeting development and reconstruction programs the Sudanese authority is carrying out for the displaced persons and refugees, affirming that the war that some rebel groups are leading in Darfur is directly aimed at citizens and efforts to provide services, which is unacceptable in accordance with international laws.
    In Radio Omdurman program on Friday, Sissi revealed that (60) percent of the items of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur were implemented while the remaining 40 percent are related to financial sides awaiting consideration at the donors conference scheduled for the 6th -7th of April in Doha to executed aspects related tom projects having direct effects on people’s lives, pointing out that the conference was stipulated in the Document to provide political and material support for it.
    He noted that Sudanese government supplied basic amount for the reconstruction of Darfur, part of requirements on the donors conference, adding that UNAMID will present a comprehensive report on developmental and humanitarian needs in Darfur to the conference, stressing that
    US participation in the donors’ conference as supporter of the Document and efforts of the Darfur Regional Authority to carry through the document for peace in the region.

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